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First shopping trip

Writer's picture: Derwin KitchDerwin Kitch

Today, Kirsi, Gramma, Aidan and I made our first shopping trip together. We wanted to pick up a couple gifts for our doctor and midwife so it was going to be a short trip anyways, but we wanted to see how we’d do. Aidan did awesome in the Moby wrap (it’s a type of baby sling); he was snuggled right in and slept the whole time we were gone. What I love about the Moby wrap is that the cloth covers your shoulders and it wraps widely around your hips and back so the weight is more evenly distributed. I don’t get sore at all from it.

Kirsi is normally such an awesome kid when we go shopping. She asks to go to the shopping mall and behaves so well. She walks right beside me and is totally entertained the whole time (as long as I don’t make it too long and there are snacks available). Today was a different story. She didn’t want to listen to me, she kept pulling on my arm and then had a few fits when she didn’t get her way. She had two chances to stop the fits and act like she should but she still wasn’t listening so we went home. Our shopping trip was cut a lot shorter than we had thought, but she has to learn that we won’t be going out if she acts like that. I think a couple more shortened trips will do the trick, or at least I hope so! :0

Yesterday, we went to the Registro Civil and got Aidan’s birth registered and a few copies of his birth certificate made. It took forever to get through the six people that were ahead of us, yet we were there for no more than ten minutes. I have no idea what took so long for everyone else. We also got his “carnet” done – the national identity card that everyone living in Chile has to have. It’ll be ready to pick up in 11 days. We hardly had to wait because those guys were able to process things quickly – thank goodness! So, at least that part is done. Next step is getting Aidan’s Chilean passport, his Canadian passport and his Canadian citizenship. That’ll be fun!!

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