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First doctor’s appointment

Writer's picture: Derwin KitchDerwin Kitch

Aidan had his first appointment with Dr. Ronco today. All went well at the appointment and our little guy is doing well. He gained 165 grams (about 0.3 lbs) in 8 days and Dr. Ronco said that was a good gain. Aidan eats well but isn’t a little porker about eating. I remember how much and often Kirsi ate, though we’re sure it’s because she was so hot and thirsty. What a difference! Dr. Ronco told us that since we’re in the middle of the flu season that we need to limit his contact with other people, especially children, until he’s 6 weeks old. He told us that we can blame him when we have to tell people that they’ll have to wait to meet Aidan. 🙂 We are to go back to see the doctor when Aidan is a month old.

Aidan is such a sweet little boy. He still is sleeping a lot and wakes up to eat and get his diaper changed. But, he’s getting more alert and is staying awake for longer periods of time. It’s so neat to see him looking around and taking in everything. I love this newborn stage so much! They’re so tiny and helpless and sweet!!!

Kirsi is doing well. Today, Gramma, Kirsi and Mommy had a girls’ outing and it was good. We went grocery shopping at Lider and Kirsi got to push one of the kiddie carts (those things are the best!!!!). After that, we went for coffee and muffins at Starbucks and it was great. We sat on the comfy couches and just hung out. It was good for us to reconnect this way, without Baby Aidan with us. Kirsi did much better on this outing than the last one so let’s hope that the trend continues. 🙂

Yesterday, I had an appointment with my doctor, 10 days post-delivery. Dr. Buhler was happy to hear that things were going so well on all fronts – my healing and recovery, breastfeeding and Kirsi’s transition to “Big Sister”. I really like him as a doctor – his laid-back and humourous attitude during my pregnancy made me feel totally at ease. He never once made me feel worried about anything or paranoid about something. But when it came to the delivery, he was 100% business and I felt totally comfortable with him and he did a fantastic job. All the other women from our little community (the teachers at Nido) who have gone to him have had to have c-sections so I was a bit concerned about that but that just didn’t even come up with me at all. I’m glad to have broken the trend! When we were talking yesterday, he said that he has learned over his career to limit the number of patients he has so that he can develop a better relationship with his patients and their family. Now, he tries to have only 4 deliveries per month, an average of one per week, so that he can give the care and attention that he wants to to each of his patients (as well as his own family). I gained even more respect for him after hearing that as you don’t always hear that from doctors.

We’re still having fantastic weather here. Today, it was sunny once again and the temperature got up to 17C (according to Der’s mom who saw the weather in Santiago on TV). It has been gorgeous weather ever since Aidan was born. It’s so nice for going outside with Kirsi. The downfall to this weather is that the smog and pollution are disgusting. The air quality is horrible; you can’t even see the city anymore. We need a good rain to clear the air (but I don’t want the cold temperatures that come with the rain!).

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